In a shocking turn of events, we actually finished everything on our agenda for the senate meeting tonight!. Actually, that's not wholly true. Two committees offered to share their year-end reports via the senate website instead of the meeting, and the senate voted to extend debate past our normal two-hour cut-off so that we wouldn't have to reconvene later.
Either way! What matters is the doneness of my senate obligation for the year!

I also got some really great news that I can't blog about yet, which has made me realize how true it is that blogging really serves an important role in my life. The Knitting Linguist explains it
much more eloquently than I can right now. I remember getting the same feeling with journaling as a kid, but I didn't expect to become "that blogger". My husband - whose nickname is still under discussion - wants to get me
this shirt.

And here's a little preview of the WIPs that I'll blog about later this week, as promised. The crochet is the Sage Corset top from Sensual Crochet. It's actually about 6 rows taller already thanks to tonight's meeting. The knit is to be frogged - I'm still going to knit a scarf out of it, but the cast on and stitch were too girly for the scarf's intended owner.
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