Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Flu is a dumb word

Okay, so being sick makes me petulant. Sorry.

I'm taking a little break before starting another student's thesis chapter, after which I'm off to the faculty senate. I was stranded on the couch this morning, but I got to play on the blog. What do you think of the new look?

This afternoon I'm feeling better; let's hope it lasts. The best news is that once I get through tomorrow, I'll be riding a wave of catching up on email and grading through Spring Break. No more meetings, no more class prep, just exams on Friday and then a date with the couch. Lovin' it. And then, only seven weeks left in the semester. It's all downhill from here. Lovin' that, too.

Besides the new look, I've been thinking about introducing something I do weekly that has a hook. I don't always have an FO, so no "FO Fridays". I'm thinking about doing tips that I've discovered, or maybe links to some of my favorite blogs, but both have already been done.
... Actually, I just had an idea, but now I'm going to keep you* in suspense about it until I can flesh it out, which I can't do right now, alas. Until next time!

* Yes, you. All two of you that subscribe to this blog on bloglines. :) I know you're out there. And, thanks.


CC said...

Oh no! Are you sick too? I had a coughing fit in my class on Mon, had to step into the hall and croak out, "Talk amongst yourselves.." to recover. Good luck hanging in there until Spring Break! I can't wait for mine ...

Knitting Linguist said...

Hey! I'm all for suspense ;)

I'm sorry to hear you're sick. I'm waiting to be felled at any moment - I don't know how I've avoied it this long.